
Monday, July 16, 2012

Back to school

School holidays is always such a tricky basket full of the unknown. 
When you don't have family around, finding free care can be a bit of a problem.
Lucky for me this time round, my mum took AJ and he loved spending time with her.
It was tougher than we thought, it being the first time we had all been away from each other for two full weeks. 
Our tiny one bedroom dwelling felt huge with no Mr 6
We took off up the coast Friday night to pick him up and spent a gorgeously windy Saturday in the Hunter Valley having a standard De Luca picnic of breads, smelly cheeses, olives and equally stinky meats... a great day of catching up.. a confirmation of our tight little family unit.
Tomorrow is back to school and our tight routine, so shoes are polished, hair is cut, uniform is clean and bag has been sanitised to an inch of it's life as we count down the 16 weeks till the house is ready for our move to the Valley.
Framing all done, apparently front door is in!
This week should see roofing, doors, windows and weatherboards all going in.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

My Bad Hair Affair

You know when you have those weeks
Got a cold (thanks boys)
Skin looking dull from cold.
Hair looking decidedly grey (thanks Dad)

Inheriting the grey gene is a wonderful thing.
My first greys appeared around 12 years of age - much to the delight of my fellow year 6 friends.
Since then, the battle has been a constant tirade of first plucking them out, (not recommended) to constant dyeing.

It's definitely accelerated since giving birth and turning 30, and 6 years on I need to re-touch every two weeks  - EVERY TWO WEEKS!
I'm always reminded of that Sex in the City ep where Samantha finds a grey hair 'down there' and her comments that follow (love that quote but perhaps won’t repeat.)

 One recent discovery was a grey eyebrow, which to me is a definite indication of what it is to follow!