
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Around the world in seven meals  (well 6 with some leftovers.)

Who says one has no time to travel!

I have mastered the art of a quick world wind tour in a week

Every meal in my one bedroom unit kitchen needs to be a gourmet creation made in less than 10 minutes and done in between checking homework and cleaning out a smelly boy's school bag.

Monday we start in Mexico with some beef tacos - total cooking time 8 minutes Ola!

Tuesday sees us with a quick stop to America with some homemade Cheeseburgers

Wednesday takes us to the Orient with Fried Rice and marinated Pork Loin

Thursday brings us to England with good old Sausages and Mash - right on chaps!

Friday is all things Italy with Spag Bol

Saturday bids more time so a slow cooked Indian curry sees us through to Monday

Very travelled

Very well fed

Very inventive?
Under the guidance of this very talented chef I of course recommend a wine with each adventure..:)

'Worldy Meals in under 10 minutes' will no doubt be hitting the shelves soon!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The flip side

Building is powering ahead on site with week 2 seeing the holes dug and the slab almost ready for pouring.
Exciting times really - our whole family could sit on site all day watching them go for it.
Especially AJ who for the first time was allowed to sit for hours in the mud

Reality is we are tucked up in a one bedroom unit, going about our busy work lives.
Life in a one bedroom unit is not easy.
Bedroom sharing with a 5 year old is not the most romantic of notions and as for leisure time... this is bearable whilst the weather is good but things are starting to turn ugly outside which could very well lead to some ugly inside!

Morning routine is get up and get out (of the way)
Evenings include homework, a simple one pan meal; wine and TV.
What keeps us going is the thought if the dream life... soon to be ours.

Get us out of the city!

Monday, May 28, 2012

A tree change.... the beginning

We've all been there - gone on a little weekender, snuggled into a small town and thought... "This is the life; I wish I could live here full time...”
Then comes the obligatory, 'maybe we can" moment.
Reality is we head back to the city and get on with life and the moment is forgotten.

After years of visiting and dreaming, it’s time for my family to make the change... its happening! The 'big' move out of the city and into country living
When I say country, it's only two hours south of Sydney but certainly feels like a world away.
Husband (JD), Mr 5 (AJ) and the family lab are building a new home, new location and creating a new life.

I can’t help but write about this new adventure, writing about life tends to spill out of me so one can only hope that you find my adventure exciting and maybe inspire you on to take on your hidden adventure?

I've read so much about what to write on your first blog, and yet I find myself holding back, nervous! Being a mum and uprooting the family leaves plenty of room for funny stories, life lessons and no doubt some heartache along the way...

Perhaps this first post will be short and sweet with an attached picture of our destination.

This is our life as we know it..